Amazing Spider-Man #61 1:100 Paolo Mottura Disney What If Black & White Variant (Marvel, 2024)
Amazing Spider-Man: The Saga of the Alien Costume TP (Marvel, 1989) - Vintage
Doctor Doom #1 1/10 Mike Deodato Variant (Marvel, 2019)
Doom #1 Greg & Tim Hildebrandt Marvel Masterpieces III Variant (Marvel, 2024) - First Printing
Fantastic Four #1 1/100 Esad Ribic Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2018)
Fantastic Four #1 1/100 J Scott Campbell Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2022)
Fantastic Four #1 1/100 Joe Quesada Variant (Marvel, 2012)
Fantastic Four #1 1/150 Joe Quesada Sketch Variant (Marvel, 2012)
Fantastic Four #1 1/200 J Scott Campbell Retro Variant (Marvel, 2022)
Fantastic Four #24 1/100 Alex Ross Human Torch Timeless Sketch Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2020)
Fantastic Four #24 1/100 Alex Ross Invisible Woman Timeless Sketch Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2020)
Fantastic Four #24 1/100 Alex Ross Mister Fantastic Timeless Sketch Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2020)
Fantastic Four #24 1/100 Alex Ross The Thing Timeless Sketch Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2020)
Fantastic Four #25 1/100 Alex Ross Black Bolt Timeless Sketch Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2020)
Fantastic Four #25 1/50 Nick Bradshaw Variant (Marvel, 2020)
Fantastic Four #5 1/100 Alex Ross Super Skrull Timeless Sketch Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2023)
Fantastic Four #554 Arthur Suydam Coliseum of Comics 25th Anniversary Skrull Variant (Marvel, 2008) - Signed
Fantastic Four #6 1/100 Alex Ross Annihilus Timeless Sketch Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2023)
Fantastic Four #6 1/50 Bill Sienkiewicz Thing Variant (Marvel, 2019)
Fantastic Four #7 1/50 Bill Sienkiewicz Mr Fantastic Variant
Fantastic Four #8 1/25 Bill Sienkiewicz Invisible Woman Variant (Marvel, 2019)
Fantastic Four Life Story #1 1/25 Paolo Rivera Variant (Marvel, 2021)
Fantastic Four Season One Prem HC With Fr Dig Cde
Fantastic Four TP 2018 Vol 02 Mr And Mrs Grimm
Fantastic Four TP Vol 02 Road Trip Now
Gen 13 Fantastic Four #1 (Wildstorm, 2001) - Signed
Marvel Masterworks: The Fantastic Four Vol. 24 HC
New Fantastic Four Marvel Tales #1 1:50 Logan Lubera Virgin Art Variant (Marvel, 2022)
Silver Surfer The Enslavers HC w/DJ (Marvel, 1990) - First Printing - Vintage